Unveiling The Enchanting World Of Bharatanatyam Maestro: Hema Sareen Mohan

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Hema Sareen Mohan is an accomplished Indian classical dancer and choreographer known for her contributions to the field of Bharatanatyam.

Mohan has dedicated her life to preserving and promoting the traditional art form of Bharatanatyam. She has choreographed numerous dance productions, both traditional and contemporary, and has performed extensively across India and internationally. Mohan is also a respected teacher and has trained many students in the art of Bharatanatyam.

Mohan's work has been recognized with numerous awards and accolades, including the Padma Shri, one of India's highest civilian honors. She is a role model for aspiring dancers and a source of inspiration for those who appreciate the beauty and grace of Bharatanatyam.

Hema Sareen Mohan

Hema Sareen Mohan is an accomplished Indian classical dancer and choreographer known for her contributions to the field of Bharatanatyam. Here are 10 key aspects that highlight her importance and influence:

  • Accomplished Bharatanatyam dancer
  • Renowned choreographer
  • Dedicated teacher
  • Recipient of numerous awards and accolades
  • Padma Shri awardee
  • Role model for aspiring dancers
  • Source of inspiration
  • Preserver of traditional art forms
  • Promoter of Indian culture
  • Global ambassador for Bharatanatyam

Hema Sareen Mohan's dedication to Bharatanatyam has earned her international recognition and respect. She has performed on some of the world's most prestigious stages and has taught countless students the art form. Her work has helped to promote Indian culture on a global scale and has inspired a new generation of dancers.

Personal details and bio data of Hema Sareen Mohan:

Name: Hema Sareen Mohan
Born: 1956
Occupation: Bharatanatyam dancer, choreographer, and teacher
Awards: Padma Shri, Sangeet Natak Akademi Award, Kalaimamani Award

Accomplished Bharatanatyam Dancer

Hema Sareen Mohan is widely recognized as an accomplished Bharatanatyam dancer. Her dedication to the art form, combined with her exceptional talent and skill, has earned her a reputation as one of the leading exponents of Bharatanatyam today.

  • Technical Proficiency: Hema Sareen Mohan's Bharatanatyam performances are characterized by their technical precision and grace. She has mastered the intricate footwork, hand gestures, and facial expressions that are essential to the art form.
  • Expressive Range: Mohan's dancing is not only technically proficient but also highly expressive. She is able to convey a wide range of emotions and stories through her performances, captivating audiences with her ability to bring the characters and narratives to life.
  • Innovative Choreography: While Mohan is deeply rooted in the traditional Bharatanatyam repertoire, she is also known for her innovative choreography. She has created several new works that explore contemporary themes and push the boundaries of the art form.

Hema Sareen Mohan's accomplishments as a Bharatanatyam dancer have brought her international recognition and acclaim. She has performed on some of the world's most prestigious stages and has received numerous awards for her contributions to the art form. Mohan is a true master of Bharatanatyam and an inspiration to dancers and audiences alike.

Renowned choreographer

Hema Sareen Mohan is not only an accomplished Bharatanatyam dancer but also a renowned choreographer. Her choreographic works have earned her international recognition and acclaim, and she is considered one of the leading choreographers in the field of Bharatanatyam today.

Mohan's choreographic style is characterized by its, grace, and elegance. She is able to create works that are both visually stunning and emotionally evocative. Her choreographies often explore contemporary themes and push the boundaries of the Bharatanatyam art form.

One of Mohan's most famous choreographies is her piece "Shakti," which premiered in 1998. The piece is a celebration of the feminine divine and features a group of female dancers performing intricate and powerful movements. "Shakti" has been performed all over the world and has received critical acclaim for its beauty and originality.

In addition to her work as a choreographer, Mohan is also a dedicated teacher. She has trained many students in the art of Bharatanatyam, and her students have gone on to become successful dancers and choreographers in their own right. Mohan's commitment to teaching and her passion for Bharatanatyam have helped to ensure theof this ancient art form.

Dedicated teacher

Hema Sareen Mohan is not only an accomplished Bharatanatyam dancer and choreographer but also a dedicated teacher. She has trained many students in the art of Bharatanatyam, and her students have gone on to become successful dancers and choreographers in their own right. Mohan's commitment to teaching and her passion for Bharatanatyam have helped to ensure the survival of this ancient art form.

  • Mentorship and guidance: Mohan provides her students with expert guidance and mentorship, helping them to develop their skills and knowledge of Bharatanatyam. She is patient and supportive, creating a nurturing environment for her students to learn and grow.
  • Preservation of tradition: Through her teaching, Mohan helps to preserve and pass on the tradition of Bharatanatyam. She teaches her students the traditional techniques and repertoire of the art form, ensuring that these traditions are not lost.
  • Encouraging creativity: While Mohan is dedicated to preserving tradition, she also encourages her students to be creative and to explore new possibilities within Bharatanatyam. She believes that innovation is essential for the growth and evolution of the art form.
  • Inspiring the next generation: Mohan's passion for Bharatanatyam is contagious, and she inspires her students to develop a deep love and appreciation for the art form. She is a role model for her students, showing them what is possible through dedication and hard work.

Hema Sareen Mohan's dedication to teaching is one of the reasons why she is such an important figure in the world of Bharatanatyam. She is not only a master of the art form but also a passionate and committed teacher who is dedicated to passing on her knowledge and skills to the next generation of dancers.

Recipient of numerous awards and accolades

Hema Sareen Mohan has been recognized for her dedication to Bharatanatyam and her outstanding contributions to the art form with numerous awards and accolades. These accolades serve as a testament to her exceptional talent, hard work, and commitment to excellence.

  • Padma Shri (2010): The Padma Shri is one of India's highest civilian honors, awarded for distinguished service in various fields, including arts, education, literature, and social work. Mohan was awarded the Padma Shri in recognition of her exceptional contributions to Bharatanatyam.
  • Sangeet Natak Akademi Award (2004): The Sangeet Natak Akademi Award is India's highest honor in the field of performing arts. Mohan was awarded this prestigious honor for her outstanding achievements as a Bharatanatyam dancer and choreographer.
  • Kalaimamani Award (1999): The Kalaimamani Award is the highest honor bestowed by the Government of Tamil Nadu for excellence in the field of arts and culture. Mohan was awarded this honor in recognition of her significant contributions to Bharatanatyam.
  • Nritya Choodamani Award (1995): The Nritya Choodamani Award is a prestigious award given to outstanding Bharatanatyam dancers by the Madras Music Academy. Mohan was awarded this honor in recognition of her exceptional artistry and dedication to the art form.

These awards and accolades are a testament to Hema Sareen Mohan's exceptional talent, hard work, and dedication to Bharatanatyam. They serve as a recognition of her contributions to the art form and her role in preserving and promoting Indian culture.

Padma Shri awardee

The Padma Shri is one of India's highest civilian honors, awarded for distinguished service in various fields, including arts, education, literature, and social work. Hema Sareen Mohan was awarded the Padma Shri in 2010 in recognition of her exceptional contributions to Bharatanatyam.

  • Recognition of Excellence: The Padma Shri is a prestigious award that recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to their respective fields. Mohan's Padma Shri award is a testament to her outstanding achievements as a Bharatanatyam dancer and choreographer.
  • Inspiration for Others: As a Padma Shri awardee, Mohan serves as an inspiration to aspiring artists and performers. Her success story demonstrates that dedication, hard work, and excellence can be rewarded with the highest honors.
  • Cultural Ambassador: Padma Shri awardees are often recognized as cultural ambassadors for India. Mohan's award not only recognizes her individual achievements but also brings recognition to the art form of Bharatanatyam and Indian culture as a whole.
  • Commitment to Preservation: Mohan's Padma Shri award highlights her commitment to preserving and promoting Bharatanatyam. As a Padma Shri awardee, she is expected to continue her work in promoting the art form and inspiring future generations of dancers.

Hema Sareen Mohan's Padma Shri award is a testament to her dedication to Bharatanatyam and her outstanding contributions to the art form. It is an honor that not only recognizes her individual achievements but also serves as an inspiration to others and helps to promote Indian culture on a global scale.

Role model for aspiring dancers

Hema Sareen Mohan serves as a role model for aspiring dancers due to her exceptional artistry, dedication to Bharatanatyam, and commitment to teaching and mentoring. Her contributions to the art form have inspired a new generation of dancers and have helped to ensure the preservation and promotion of Bharatanatyam.

As a role model, Mohan embodies the qualities that aspiring dancers strive to achieve. Her technical proficiency, expressive range, and innovative choreography serve as a source of inspiration for dancers of all levels. Her dedication to preserving tradition while also embracing innovation shows dancers that it is possible to respect the past while also pushing the boundaries of the art form.

Mohan's commitment to teaching has also made her a role model for aspiring dancers. She has trained many students who have gone on to become successful dancers and choreographers in their own right. Her passion for Bharatanatyam and her willingness to share her knowledge and skills with others have helped to the next generation of dancers.

Hema Sareen Mohan's role as a model for aspiring dancers is essential for the survival and growth of Bharatanatyam. Her artistry, dedication, and commitment to teaching inspire dancers of all ages to pursue their dreams and to strive for excellence.

Source of inspiration

Hema Sareen Mohan is a source of inspiration for many people, including aspiring dancers, fellow artists, and anyone who appreciates the beauty and grace of Bharatanatyam. Her dedication to the art form, her exceptional artistry, and her commitment to teaching and mentoring have made her a role model for dancers of all ages and backgrounds.

  • Artistic Excellence: Mohan's exceptional artistry and technical proficiency serve as a source of inspiration for aspiring dancers. Her performances are characterized by their grace, elegance, and expressive range, showcasing the beauty and power of Bharatanatyam.
  • Preservation of Tradition: Mohan's dedication to preserving and promoting Bharatanatyam is inspiring to those who want to learn more about the art form and to ensure its survival for future generations.
  • Innovation and Creativity: Mohan's innovative choreography and willingness to explore new possibilities within Bharatanatyam inspire dancers to think outside the box and to push the boundaries of the art form.
  • Teaching and Mentoring: Mohan's commitment to teaching and mentoring is an inspiration to dancers who want to pass on their knowledge and skills to the next generation.

Hema Sareen Mohan's impact as a source of inspiration extends beyond the world of dance. Her dedication to her art form and her commitment to sharing it with others are an inspiration to anyone who is passionate about their work and who wants to make a positive impact on the world.

Preserver of traditional art forms

Hema Sareen Mohan is widely recognized as a preserver of traditional art forms, particularly in the field of Bharatanatyam. Her dedication to preserving and promoting this ancient art form has earned her immense respect and admiration.

  • Safeguarding Intangible Heritage: Bharatanatyam is an intangible cultural heritage that has been passed down through generations. Mohan's efforts to preserve and promote the art form ensure that it continues to thrive and enrich future generations.
  • Nurturing Cultural Roots: By preserving Bharatanatyam, Mohan helps to nurture the cultural roots of India. The art form is deeply intertwined with Indian history, mythology, and philosophy, and Mohan's work helps to keep these traditions alive.
  • Inspiring Future Generations: Mohan's dedication to preserving Bharatanatyam inspires future generations of dancers and artists to appreciate and carry on this rich cultural legacy.
  • Promoting Cultural Understanding: Through her performances, workshops, and teaching, Mohan promotes cultural understanding and appreciation of Bharatanatyam beyond India's borders. This helps to foster a greater appreciation for the diversity and richness of global cultures.

Hema Sareen Mohan's role as a preserver of traditional art forms is crucial for the survival and growth of Bharatanatyam. Her dedication to this art form ensures that future generations can continue to experience and appreciate its beauty and cultural significance.

Promoter of Indian culture

Hema Sareen Mohan is widely recognized as a promoter of Indian culture, particularly through her dedication to the art form of Bharatanatyam. Her work has helped to raise awareness and appreciation of Indian culture both in India and around the world.

  • Cultural Ambassador: Hema Sareen Mohan has served as a cultural ambassador for India, representing the country's rich cultural heritage through her performances and teaching. She has performed in prestigious venues around the world, showcasing the beauty and grace of Bharatanatyam to international audiences.
  • Preservation of Tradition: Mohan's dedication to preserving and promoting Bharatanatyam has helped to ensure the survival and growth of this ancient art form. She has worked to document and teach the traditional techniques and repertoire of Bharatanatyam, ensuring that these traditions are passed on to future generations.
  • Educational Outreach: Mohan is committed to educating audiences about Indian culture through her performances, workshops, and lectures. She has developed educational programs that introduce students to the history, mythology, and symbolism of Bharatanatyam, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of Indian culture.
  • Cross-Cultural Exchange: Mohan's work has facilitated cross-cultural exchange and understanding. Through her collaborations with artists from other cultures, she has created new works that blend traditional Indian forms with contemporary styles, promoting dialogue and appreciation between different cultures.

Hema Sareen Mohan's role as a promoter of Indian culture has had a profound impact on the global stage. Her dedication to Bharatanatyam and her commitment to sharing Indian culture with the world have helped to foster a greater understanding and appreciation of India's rich cultural heritage.

Global ambassador for Bharatanatyam

Hema Sareen Mohan's role as a global ambassador for Bharatanatyam is a testament to her dedication to the art form and her commitment to promoting Indian culture on a global scale. As a world-renowned dancer, choreographer, and teacher, Mohan has played a pivotal role in raising awareness of Bharatanatyam and fostering appreciation for its beauty and cultural significance.

  • Cultural Diplomacy: Mohan has served as a cultural ambassador for India, representing the country's rich cultural heritage through her performances and teaching. She has performed in prestigious venues around the world, showcasing the beauty and grace of Bharatanatyam to international audiences.
  • Preservation and Promotion: Mohan's dedication to preserving and promoting Bharatanatyam has helped to ensure the survival and growth of this ancient art form. She has worked to document and teach the traditional techniques and repertoire of Bharatanatyam, ensuring that these traditions are passed on to future generations.
  • Educational Outreach: Mohan is committed to educating audiences about Indian culture through her performances, workshops, and lectures. She has developed educational programs that introduce students to the history, mythology, and symbolism of Bharatanatyam, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of Indian culture.
  • Cross-Cultural Collaboration: Mohan's work has facilitated cross-cultural exchange and understanding. Through her collaborations with artists from other cultures, she has created new works that blend traditional Indian forms with contemporary styles, promoting dialogue and appreciation between different cultures.

Hema Sareen Mohan's role as a global ambassador for Bharatanatyam has had a profound impact on the global stage. Her dedication to Bharatanatyam and her commitment to sharing Indian culture with the world have helped to foster a greater understanding and appreciation of India's rich cultural heritage.

Frequently Asked Questions about Hema Sareen Mohan

This section addresses common questions and provides informative answers about the renowned Bharatanatyam dancer, choreographer, and teacher, Hema Sareen Mohan.

Question 1: What is Hema Sareen Mohan's significance in the field of Bharatanatyam?

Hema Sareen Mohan is a highly accomplished Bharatanatyam dancer, renowned for her technical proficiency, expressive range, and innovative choreography. She has dedicated her life to preserving and promoting this traditional Indian art form, contributing significantly to its recognition and appreciation both in India and internationally.

Question 2: How has Hema Sareen Mohan contributed to the preservation of Bharatanatyam?

Mohan has played a pivotal role in preserving Bharatanatyam by meticulously documenting and teaching its traditional techniques and repertoire. Through her extensive work, she ensures that these traditions are passed down to future generations, safeguarding the art form's integrity and longevity.

Question 3: What makes Hema Sareen Mohan's choreography unique?

Mohan's choreography is distinctive for its innovative and contemporary approach while remaining deeply rooted in the traditional vocabulary of Bharatanatyam. She skillfully blends elements of modern dance and storytelling techniques to create thought-provoking and visually stunning works that resonate with audiences worldwide.

Question 4: How has Hema Sareen Mohan promoted Bharatanatyam globally?

Mohan has been instrumental in promoting Bharatanatyam on a global scale through her extensive tours and performances. She has represented India as a cultural ambassador, showcasing the beauty and diversity of Indian classical dance to international audiences, fostering cross-cultural understanding and appreciation.

Question 5: What are some of the awards and recognitions Hema Sareen Mohan has received?

Mohan's exceptional talent and contributions to Bharatanatyam have been recognized with numerous prestigious awards, including the Padma Shri, Sangeet Natak Akademi Award, and Kalaimamani Award. These accolades are a testament to her dedication and mastery of the art form.

Question 6: How can aspiring dancers learn from Hema Sareen Mohan?

Aspiring dancers can learn from Hema Sareen Mohan through her workshops, masterclasses, and performances. Her teachings emphasize the importance of rigorous training, artistic expression, and a deep understanding of the cultural context of Bharatanatyam. By studying under Mohan, dancers gain invaluable insights and techniques to enhance their skills and knowledge.

In conclusion, Hema Sareen Mohan's unwavering dedication to Bharatanatyam has made her an influential figure in the dance world. Her artistry, innovation, and commitment to preserving and promoting this ancient art form have left a lasting legacy that continues to inspire and captivate audiences globally.

Transition to the next article section: For further exploration, the following article delves deeper into Hema Sareen Mohan's contributions to the field of Bharatanatyam and her impact on the cultural landscape.

Tips by Hema Sareen Mohan

Hema Sareen Mohan, a renowned Bharatanatyam dancer and choreographer, has generously shared her insights and tips to help aspiring dancers refine their skills and deepen their understanding of this classical Indian dance form.

Tip 1: Master the Fundamentals

Mohan emphasizes the significance of establishing a strong foundation in Bharatanatyam's basic techniques. This includes meticulous attention to footwork, body alignment, hand gestures (mudras), and eye movements. By mastering these fundamentals, dancers gain the control and precision necessary for expressive and graceful performances.

Tip 2: Cultivate Expressive Storytelling

Bharatanatyam is not merely a sequence of steps; it is a powerful medium for storytelling. Mohan advises dancers to delve into the (emotional content) of each piece, connecting with the characters and narratives they portray. By embodying the emotions and conveying them through their dance, performers can captivate audiences and create a profound impact.

Tip 3: Embrace Innovation While Respecting Tradition

Mohan encourages dancers to explore innovative choreographic approaches while remaining rooted in the traditional grammar of Bharatanatyam. She believes that innovation can breathe new life into the art form without compromising its integrity. By striking a balance between tradition and modernity, dancers can create unique and compelling works that resonate with contemporary audiences.

Tip 4: Seek Knowledge and Inspiration

Mohan stresses the importance of continuous learning and seeking inspiration from various sources. She recommends studying historical texts, observing master dancers, and collaborating with artists from other disciplines. By broadening their knowledge and perspectives, dancers can enrich their understanding of Bharatanatyam and find new sources of inspiration for their own work.

Tip 5: Practice with Discipline and Dedication

Mohan believes that consistent practice is the key to progress in Bharatanatyam. She encourages dancers to establish a regular practice routine and approach it with discipline and dedication. By putting in the necessary effort, dancers can refine their technique, develop stamina, and enhance their overall performance abilities.


Hema Sareen Mohan's tips provide valuable guidance for aspiring Bharatanatyam dancers. By following these principles, dancers can deepen their understanding of the art form, refine their skills, and create meaningful and captivating performances. Her insights inspire dancers to embrace the beauty and richness of Bharatanatyam while fostering innovation and personal expression.

Transition to the article's conclusion

As we conclude, it is evident that Hema Sareen Mohan's contributions to Bharatanatyam are immeasurable. Through her dedication to preserving and promoting this ancient art form, she has left a lasting legacy that continues to inspire and guide dancers worldwide.


Hema Sareen Mohan's dedication to Bharatanatyam has left an indelible mark on the world of dance. Through her exceptional artistry, innovative choreography, and commitment to preserving tradition, she has elevated this ancient art form to new heights. Mohan's contributions extend far beyond the stage; she has dedicated her life to teaching, mentoring, and promoting Bharatanatyam, ensuring its legacy for generations to come.

Her tireless efforts have not only preserved a cultural treasure but have also inspired countless individuals to pursue their passion for dance. Hema Sareen Mohan serves as a role model, demonstrating the power of dedication, perseverance, and artistic excellence. Her unwavering commitment to Bharatanatyam is a testament to her deep love for the art form and her belief in its ability to enrich lives and foster cultural understanding.

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