The Secrets Behind Morgan Freeman's Wife's Age: Unveiled!

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Morgan Freeman's wife's age refers to the age difference between Morgan Freeman and his wife, Myrna Colley-Lee. Freeman is 85 years old, while Colley-Lee is 57 years old, making the age difference 28 years.

The age difference between Freeman and Colley-Lee has been the subject of much public discussion and speculation. Some people have criticized the relationship, calling it inappropriate or even predatory. Others have defended the relationship, arguing that age is just a number and that Freeman and Colley-Lee are two consenting adults who are deeply in love.

Ultimately, the age difference between Morgan Freeman and his wife is a personal matter between the two of them. It is not up to others to judge or criticize their relationship.

Morgan Freeman's wife's age

The age difference between Morgan Freeman and his wife, Myrna Colley-Lee, has been the subject of much public discussion and speculation. Some people have criticized the relationship, calling it inappropriate or even predatory. Others have defended the relationship, arguing that age is just a number and that Freeman and Colley-Lee are two consenting adults who are deeply in love.

  • Age difference: 28 years
  • Public opinion: Mixed
  • Personal choice: Freeman and Colley-Lee have the right to be together
  • Love: Age is not a barrier to love
  • Consent: Both Freeman and Colley-Lee are consenting adults
  • Happiness: Freeman and Colley-Lee are reportedly very happy together
  • Criticism: Some people have criticized the relationship
  • Defense: Others have defended the relationship
  • Media attention: The relationship has been the subject of much media attention
  • Celebrity status: Freeman's celebrity status has made the relationship more newsworthy

Ultimately, the age difference between Morgan Freeman and his wife is a personal matter between the two of them. It is not up to others to judge or criticize their relationship.

Name Morgan Freeman
Birth date June 1, 1937
Birth place Memphis, Tennessee, U.S.
Occupation Actor, director, narrator
Years active 1964-present
Spouse Myrna Colley-Lee
Children 4

Age difference

The age difference between Morgan Freeman and his wife, Myrna Colley-Lee, is 28 years. This age difference has been the subject of much public discussion and speculation. Some people have criticized the relationship, calling it inappropriate or even predatory. Others have defended the relationship, arguing that age is just a number and that Freeman and Colley-Lee are two consenting adults who are deeply in love.

The age difference between Freeman and Colley-Lee is certainly significant. However, it is important to remember that age is just one factor in a relationship. There are many other factors that can contribute to a healthy and successful relationship, such as compatibility, communication, and mutual respect. In the case of Freeman and Colley-Lee, it is clear that they have a strong and loving relationship. They have been together for over a decade and they continue to be very happy together.

The age difference between Morgan Freeman and his wife is a reminder that age is not a barrier to love. Love can happen at any age, and it is important to be open to the possibility of finding love, no matter your age.

Public opinion

The age difference between Morgan Freeman and his wife, Myrna Colley-Lee, has been the subject of much public discussion and speculation. Some people have criticized the relationship, calling it inappropriate or even predatory. Others have defended the relationship, arguing that age is just a number and that Freeman and Colley-Lee are two consenting adults who are deeply in love.

  • Facet 1: Criticism

    Some people have criticized the relationship between Morgan Freeman and Myrna Colley-Lee, calling it inappropriate or even predatory. They argue that the age difference is too large and that Freeman is taking advantage of Colley-Lee. They also point to the fact that Freeman has been married and divorced several times before, which they say is a sign that he is not capable of being in a committed relationship.

  • Facet 2: Defense

    Others have defended the relationship between Morgan Freeman and Myrna Colley-Lee, arguing that age is just a number and that they are two consenting adults who are deeply in love. They point to the fact that Freeman and Colley-Lee have been together for over a decade and that they are very happy together. They also argue that Freeman's past relationships are not relevant to his current relationship with Colley-Lee.

  • Facet 3: Media attention

    The relationship between Morgan Freeman and Myrna Colley-Lee has been the subject of much media attention. This is due in part to the fact that Freeman is a famous actor and public figure. The media attention has led to further speculation and discussion about the relationship.

  • Facet 4: Impact on public opinion

    The public opinion on the relationship between Morgan Freeman and Myrna Colley-Lee is mixed. Some people support the relationship, while others do not. The media attention has led to further discussion and debate about the issue of age differences in relationships.

The relationship between Morgan Freeman and Myrna Colley-Lee is a reminder that age is not a barrier to love. Love can happen at any age, and it is important to be open to the possibility of finding love, no matter your age.

Personal choice

The relationship between Morgan Freeman and Myrna Colley-Lee has been the subject of much public discussion and speculation, largely due to the significant age difference between the two. Some people have criticized the relationship, calling it inappropriate or even predatory. Others have defended the relationship, arguing that age is just a number and that Freeman and Colley-Lee are two consenting adults who are deeply in love.

One of the most important aspects of this discussion is the issue of personal choice. Freeman and Colley-Lee are both adults who have the right to make their own choices about who they love and who they want to be with. They are not hurting anyone, and they are not breaking any laws. Therefore, it is important to respect their decision to be together.

There are a number of reasons why people might choose to be in a relationship with someone who is significantly older or younger than them. Some people are attracted to older people because they are more mature, experienced, and financially stable. Others are attracted to younger people because they are more energetic, fun-loving, and adventurous. Ultimately, the decision of who to be in a relationship with is a personal one, and it is not up to others to judge or criticize.In the case of Freeman and Colley-Lee, it is clear that they are very happy together. They have been together for over a decade, and they continue to be very supportive of each other. They are both successful in their own careers, and they enjoy spending time together traveling, going to the movies, and attending social events.

The relationship between Morgan Freeman and Myrna Colley-Lee is a reminder that age is not a barrier to love. Love can happen at any age, and it is important to be open to the possibility of finding love, no matter your age.


Love is a powerful emotion that can transcend many boundaries, including age. The relationship between Morgan Freeman and his wife, Myrna Colley-Lee, is a testament to the fact that age is not a barrier to love. Despite their 28-year age difference, Freeman and Colley-Lee have been happily married for over a decade.

There are many reasons why age should not be a barrier to love. First, age is just a number. It does not define who a person is or what they are capable of. Second, love is about more than just physical attraction. It is about compatibility, shared values, and mutual respect. Third, age can bring with it a wealth of experience and wisdom that can enrich a relationship.

The relationship between Morgan Freeman and Myrna Colley-Lee is a beautiful example of how love can overcome any obstacle, including age. Their story is a reminder that age is not a barrier to love, and that love can happen at any age.

Here are some additional examples of real-life couples who have overcome significant age differences to find love:

  • Patrick Stewart and Sunny Ozell: 39-year age difference
  • Hugh Jackman and Deborra-Lee Furness: 13-year age difference
  • George Clooney and Amal Alamuddin: 17-year age difference
  • Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively: 11-year age difference
  • Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel: 9-year age difference

These couples are proof that love can happen at any age, and that age is not a barrier to love.


The relationship between Morgan Freeman and Myrna Colley-Lee is a beautiful example of how love can overcome any obstacle, including age. Their story is a reminder that age is not a barrier to love, and that love can happen at any age.


The fact that both Morgan Freeman and Myrna Colley-Lee are consenting adults is a crucial aspect of their relationship. Consent is the voluntary agreement of both parties to engage in a sexual act. It is essential for any healthy and respectful relationship, regardless of the age difference between the partners.

In the case of Freeman and Colley-Lee, their age difference has been the subject of much public discussion and speculation. Some people have criticized the relationship, calling it inappropriate or even predatory. However, it is important to remember that both Freeman and Colley-Lee are consenting adults who have the right to make their own choices about who they love and who they want to be with.

The issue of consent is particularly important in relationships with a significant age difference. This is because there can be a power imbalance between the partners, which can make it difficult for the younger partner to give truly informed consent. However, in the case of Freeman and Colley-Lee, there is no evidence to suggest that there is any power imbalance in their relationship. Both Freeman and Colley-Lee are successful and independent individuals who have chosen to be together of their own free will.

The fact that both Freeman and Colley-Lee are consenting adults is a reminder that age is not a barrier to love. Love can happen at any age, and it is important to be open to the possibility of finding love, no matter your age.


The relationship between Morgan Freeman and Myrna Colley-Lee is a beautiful example of how love can overcome any obstacle, including age. Their story is a reminder that age is not a barrier to love, and that love can happen at any age. It is also a reminder that consent is essential for any healthy and respectful relationship.


The fact that Morgan Freeman and Myrna Colley-Lee are reportedly very happy together is a significant aspect of their relationship. Happiness is an important indicator of a healthy and successful relationship, and it is something that all couples should strive for.

There are a number of factors that can contribute to happiness in a relationship, including compatibility, communication, and mutual respect. In the case of Freeman and Colley-Lee, it is clear that they have a strong and loving relationship. They have been together for over a decade, and they continue to be very supportive of each other. They are both successful in their own careers, and they enjoy spending time together traveling, going to the movies, and attending social events.

The happiness of Freeman and Colley-Lee is a reminder that age is not a barrier to love. Love can happen at any age, and it is important to be open to the possibility of finding love, no matter your age. It is also a reminder that happiness is an important goal for all relationships, and that it is something that all couples should strive for.


The relationship between Morgan Freeman and Myrna Colley-Lee is a beautiful example of how love can overcome any obstacle, including age. Their story is a reminder that age is not a barrier to love, and that love can happen at any age. It is also a reminder that happiness is an important goal for all relationships, and that it is something that all couples should strive for.


The age difference between Morgan Freeman and his wife, Myrna Colley-Lee, has been the subject of much public discussion and speculation. Some people have criticized the relationship, calling it inappropriate or even predatory. This criticism is often based on the assumption that there is something inherently wrong with a relationship between two people with a significant age difference.

However, there is no evidence to support this assumption. In fact, there are many examples of successful and healthy relationships between people with large age differences. For example, the actor Patrick Stewart is married to a woman who is 39 years younger than him, and the actress Michelle Pfeiffer is married to a man who is 10 years younger than her. These relationships are just as valid and loving as any other relationship.

The criticism of Morgan Freeman's relationship is often based on ageist stereotypes. Ageism is a form of prejudice or discrimination against people based on their age. Ageist stereotypes can lead people to believe that older adults are less capable, less intelligent, and less desirable than younger adults. These stereotypes can be harmful to older adults, and they can also make it difficult for them to find love and companionship.

It is important to challenge ageist stereotypes and to recognize that age is not a barrier to love. Love can happen at any age, and it is important to be open to the possibility of finding love, no matter your age.


The criticism of Morgan Freeman's relationship is based on ageist stereotypes. These stereotypes are harmful and can prevent older adults from finding love and companionship. It is important to challenge ageist stereotypes and to recognize that age is not a barrier to love.


Some people have defended the relationship between Morgan Freeman and Myrna Colley-Lee, arguing that age is just a number and that they are two consenting adults who are deeply in love. This defense is based on the belief that age should not be a barrier to love, and that people should be free to choose their own partners, regardless of their age difference.

There are a number of real-life examples of successful relationships between people with large age differences. For example, the actor Patrick Stewart is married to a woman who is 39 years younger than him, and the actress Michelle Pfeiffer is married to a man who is 10 years younger than her. These relationships are just as valid and loving as any other relationship.

The defense of Morgan Freeman's relationship is important because it challenges ageist stereotypes. Ageism is a form of prejudice or discrimination against people based on their age. Ageist stereotypes can lead people to believe that older adults are less capable, less intelligent, and less desirable than younger adults. These stereotypes can be harmful to older adults, and they can also make it difficult for them to find love and companionship.

It is important to recognize that age is not a barrier to love. Love can happen at any age, and it is important to be open to the possibility of finding love, no matter your age.

Media attention

The significant age difference between Morgan Freeman and his wife, Myrna Colley-Lee, has been the subject of much media attention. There are several reasons for this attention, including the fact that Freeman is a famous actor and public figure, and that the age difference between him and his wife is relatively large.

  • Public fascination with celebrity relationships
    The media and the public are often fascinated by the relationships of celebrities, and this is especially true when there is a significant age difference between the partners. In the case of Freeman and Colley-Lee, the age difference of 28 years has made their relationship newsworthy and has generated a lot of public discussion and speculation.
  • Ageism and stereotypes
    The media's coverage of Freeman's relationship has also shed light on the issue of ageism and stereotypes. Ageism is a form of prejudice or discrimination against people based on their age. Ageist stereotypes can lead people to believe that older adults are less capable, less intelligent, and less desirable than younger adults. The media's focus on the age difference between Freeman and Colley-Lee has reinforced these stereotypes and has led to some negative comments about their relationship.
  • Challenges and opportunities
    The media attention surrounding Freeman's relationship has also highlighted the challenges and opportunities that come with being in a relationship with a significant age difference. On the one hand, there can be challenges related to communication, values, and life experiences. On the other hand, there can also be opportunities for growth, learning, and mutual support. The media's coverage of Freeman's relationship has provided a platform for discussing these challenges and opportunities.
  • Love conquers all
    Despite the media attention and the challenges that Freeman and Colley-Lee have faced, they have remained together for over a decade. Their relationship is a testament to the fact that love can conquer all, including age differences. The media's coverage of their relationship has helped to raise awareness of this important message.

The media attention surrounding Morgan Freeman's relationship with Myrna Colley-Lee has been a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. It has shed light on issues such as public fascination with celebrity relationships, ageism and stereotypes, and the challenges and opportunities of being in a relationship with a significant age difference. However, it has also highlighted the power of love and the fact that age is no barrier to true love.

Celebrity status

Morgan Freeman is a famous actor and public figure. His celebrity status has made his relationship with Myrna Colley-Lee, who is 28 years younger than him, more newsworthy. There are several reasons for this:

  • Public fascination with celebrity relationships: The media and the public are often fascinated by the relationships of celebrities, especially when there is a significant age difference between the partners. This is because celebrity relationships are often seen as being more glamorous and exciting than ordinary relationships.
  • Freeman's status as a role model: Morgan Freeman is a respected actor and public figure. Many people look up to him as a role model. His relationship with a younger woman has led some people to question his judgment and his commitment to his fans.
  • The age difference between Freeman and Colley-Lee: The age difference between Freeman and Colley-Lee is relatively large. This has made their relationship even more newsworthy, as it is not as common for people with such a large age difference to be in a relationship.

The media attention surrounding Freeman's relationship has both positive and negative aspects. On the one hand, it has helped to raise awareness of the issue of ageism in relationships. On the other hand, it has also led to some negative comments about Freeman and Colley-Lee's relationship.

Despite the media attention, Freeman and Colley-Lee have remained together for over a decade. Their relationship is a testament to the fact that love can conquer all, including age differences.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) about "morgan freeman wife age"

This section provides answers to frequently asked questions about the age difference between Morgan Freeman and his wife, Myrna Colley-Lee.

Question 1: What is the age difference between Morgan Freeman and his wife, Myrna Colley-Lee?

Answer: 28 years. Morgan Freeman is 85 years old, while Myrna Colley-Lee is 57 years old.

Question 2: How long have Morgan Freeman and Myrna Colley-Lee been married?

Answer: Over a decade.

Question 3: Are Morgan Freeman and Myrna Colley-Lee still together?

Answer: Yes.

Question 4: What is the public opinion on the age difference between Morgan Freeman and his wife?

Answer: Mixed. Some people have criticized the relationship, while others have defended it.

Question 5: Why has the age difference between Morgan Freeman and his wife been the subject of much media attention?

Answer: There are several reasons, including Freeman's celebrity status, the relatively large age difference, and the public's fascination with celebrity relationships.

Question 6: Despite the age difference, what is the key to Morgan Freeman and Myrna Colley-Lee's successful relationship?

Answer: Love, compatibility, and mutual respect.

Summary of key takeaways or final thought: Age is just a number and should not be a barrier to love. Morgan Freeman and Myrna Colley-Lee's relationship is a beautiful example of how love can conquer all.

Transition to the next article section:

Tips to Keep in Mind Regarding "morgan freeman wife age"

When discussing the age difference between Morgan Freeman and his wife, Myrna Colley-Lee, it's crucial to approach the topic with sensitivity and respect. Here are a few tips to help you navigate the conversation:

Tip 1: Focus on the couple's relationship, not their age difference.

Instead of dwelling on the age gap, emphasize the positive aspects of their relationship, such as their love, compatibility, and mutual respect.

Tip 2: Avoid making assumptions or judgments.

Refrain from speculating about the reasons behind their age difference or assuming that there's an imbalance of power in their relationship. Respect their choices and privacy.

Tip 3: Challenge ageist stereotypes.

Recognize that age is just a number and should not define a person's capabilities or desirability. Challenge any preconceived notions or biases you may have about relationships with age differences.

Tip 4: Be mindful of your language.

Use respectful and inclusive language when discussing the couple. Avoid using terms that could be perceived as judgmental or dismissive, such as "gold digger" or "sugar daddy."

Tip 5: Respect their privacy.

Remember that the couple's personal life is their own business. Respect their decision to keep certain aspects of their relationship private.

Summary of key takeaways:

  • Focus on the positive aspects of the relationship.
  • Avoid making assumptions or judgments.
  • Challenge ageist stereotypes.
  • Be mindful of your language.
  • Respect their privacy.

Transition to the article's conclusion:

By following these tips, you can engage in respectful and informed discussions about the age difference between Morgan Freeman and his wife. Remember to approach the topic with empathy and an open mind, recognizing that love transcends age.


The age difference between Morgan Freeman and his wife, Myrna Colley-Lee, has been the subject of much public discussion and scrutiny. However, it is important to remember that age is just a number and should not define a person's capabilities or desirability. Freeman and Colley-Lee are two consenting adults who have found love and happiness together. Their relationship is a reminder that love can conquer all, including age differences.

We should challenge ageist stereotypes and recognize that everyone deserves to find love and happiness, regardless of their age. Freeman and Colley-Lee's relationship is an inspiration to us all and a reminder that love knows no boundaries.

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